Brenna’s Progress Photos #1





Here are some pictures of my progress so far! Instead of putting two pieces together I threw a form in one go that I was happy with. I am excited about this because I did not think I would be able to throw this with one piece of clay. 🙂 I did it ! It is about 30 cm tall in the wet stage so expect it to be around 25 – 28cm tall after shrinkage. This is a new clay body for me so I am not entirely sure if my predictions are accurate. I don’t have the recipe at home so I will write it down and post it tomorrow.

I made the lid a few millimeters too big so that I could trim it to get a nice clean fit. Today it was too wet to trim (so hopefully tomorrow)
The vessel is about 1cm -1.5cm thick, Its pretty consistent throughout the form. Its heavier then it looks but I am okay with that considering the amount of carving I will be doing.
I included some pictures of pots from other classes for scale.

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4 Responses to Brenna’s Progress Photos #1

  1. Jeremiah Valle says:

    I’m really excited to see these babies lit up! Just something that crossed my mind that i don’t know if you have considered.

    Two things:
    1. like carving a pumpkin the thickness of the walls can affect how much light will shine through. the angle of the curve with a greater thickness of the walls will give you different lighting. So depending on what you want, you have to keep this conscious while creating your design.

    2. Make sure your lines and design stays flawless! Thinking about Celtic designs for tattoos I have seen many loo bad due to lines not staying parallel and spacing not staying consistently the same distance between lines.

    Not trying to intimidate. I have complete faith that you will do a great job, from what I see already everything looks great. So keep it up! 🙂

  2. brennalinton says:

    Thanks Jeremiah ! That’s a really good point about the pumpkin carving I’ll have to keep that in mind.
    Yeah I agree with the Celtic designs. I defiantly want them to be crisp and not look rushed and floppy. I’ve done a few drawings which I will scan probably tonight and I’ll take more pictures of the carving process today !! I’m going to track down a mini rotary tool that is apparently kicking around ceramics somewhere. Thanks for your support !

  3. They look great! Again, I don’t know much about ceramics but these look awesome. Can’t wait to see them finished!

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